As you all know we purchased a new house this past July. We have a GORGEOUS wooden double front door, made moving furniture in super easy, and I have been looking for the perfect piece to hang on it. That is where this month's Etsy Seller Feature comes into play. You know those super cute wreaths you see at the big name craft stores? Well this sellers items grind them into the dirt put those to shame!! Emily Meyer owns Wreaths by Emma Ruth and she does some AMAZING work.

How freaking cute is that wreath!!! It just screams FALL IS HERE! 
Emily started making wreaths four years ago when her first child was born. All her wreaths have a certain style to them that makes them Wreaths by Emma Ruth. You won't find any like these at a retail store. Her hardest thing so far in running her own shop? Keeping it stocked! If you take a look at her etsy shop it may look a little bare, that's because her wreaths sell almost the minute she posts them to her facebook. So, make sure to like her page here, that way you don't miss out. 
I asked Emily what are some tips she would give someone wanting to open a shop. Her list was 
1. Do you research. 2. Create policys YOU are comfortable with. 3. Branding- make your look clean and cohesive, but have something special that sets you apart from other shops. 4. Have fun, don't give up!!
Those are some awesome tips people!
She also makes wreaths that would go perfect in a nursery.
Almost, ALMOST, makes me want another one so I can decorate a nursery. Wait, I hear the two I have arguing so there goes that feeling. 
Make sure to stop by Emily's facebook and etsy shop. These would make a perfect gift for pretty much anytime of the year!


  1. How nice to feature a business woman! I'm sure she appreciates it.

  2. How nice to feature a business woman! I'm sure she appreciates it.

  3. Beautiful wreaths, thanks for sharing the Etsy seller!!
    Cynthia @craftoflaughter

  4. How nice to feature that Etsy Seller. I love wreaths but I worry honestly that someone would steal it right off my front door. :(

  5. Wow. Those are really beautiful wreaths! I never really have used wreaths for anything other than Christmas, but this looks great I'll have to check out her shop. Thanks!


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